Friday, March 10, 2006


When a venue is agreed upon,
And the time is set,
Please keep to your promises,
Without any regret.
Unless you are sick,
Or something happened at home,
You shouldn’t change the plan,
Based on your interest alone.
It is never okay,
Even though we say so,
For the itinerary has been planned,
And is destroyed when you don’t go.
It disappoints those,
Who make the effort to be there,
And shows that your character,
Is one who doesn’t care.
Repeat this a few times,
And soon you shall find,
That no one wants to go out with you,
So don’t say we’re not kind.
We are also not replacements,
To keep you company,
But if you insist on having one,
Get an escort with your money.
We do not provide service,
But we can be your friend,
Provided you treat us as one too,
And use some common sense.

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