Friday, December 31, 2004

Gloomy New Year

Singapore has turned the New Year countdown into a fund raising campaign. Those unfortunate countries that were struck by the tsunami would not be enjoying their New Year, thus we shall not too.

No country in the world is free from natural disasters, as we all share the same planet. A blue planet with different nations of different agendas, succumbing to the wrath of nature.

It is drizzling outside right now. I can hear the raindrops smack onto the cold concrete pathment, and a few vehicles passing by every few minutes. How peaceful. I can imagine the horror of the people when they saw the waves coming at them. I can picture the rescue efforts of volunteers who are working right now to locate any survivors and also tending to the wounded or homeless. When there is peace here, there will always be chaos somewhere else.

I just hope that for the New Year, mankind will put aside all differences to aid those in need. Conflicts should be suppressed, but mankind is too unwilling to compromise for harmonious living. Peace is just a distant hope.