Tuesday, March 01, 2005


I saw this interesting scenario my friend put for his MSN nick: My doctor gave me 6 months to live but when I couldn't pay the bill, he gave me 6 months more...

Based this scenario, I started to write this poem...

I am very sick,
and my knees are weak.
I could hardly walk,
without a walking stick.
My doctor told me frankly,
I have 6 more months to live.
So I gazed at him blankly,
and stared with disbelief.
I need to buy a crate.
I called my wife to help.
But when she heard I'm to be dead,
she ran away instead. (Oh great!)
Now she took my money,
it's really not very funny.
I'm just a rich poor man,
to be thrown into a gunny.
I kind of understand why,
why she decided to fly.
I have been unfaithful,
it's right she said bye bye.
I told my doctor this,
now he stared at me.
He said miracles exist,
like it did to his niece.
He started telling me stories,
advised me on beneficiaries.
I see that he wanted money,
but I could give only apologies.
He suddenly has an idea,
a thought that I abhor.
He fancied that I'll pay him,
by saying I have 6 months more.

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